Welcome to Hub City Kennel and Obedience Club

Welcome to Hub City Kennel and Obedience Club

History of HCKOC

The exact history of the HCKOC is unknown. To try and piece things together, we have asked our long-time members to compile a history of the club as they know it.

"According to Dogs In Canada, the April 1960 issue, HCKOC has been in existence since at least 1934. In the late 60's when I joined the club, we were a very active obedience club. We trained for years on the second floor of the Exhibition Hockey Arena, which is now a parking lot. At that time, HCKOC did a lot of community activities, from going as a club to various Senior Citizen's Homes, to marching in the annual Traveller's Day Parade with our drill team, as well as performing at other events. Our drill team did obedience routines to music, and all the dogs were paired with similar dogs for a routine similar to the RCMP Musical Ride. Club meetings and obedience classes were social occasions for us, and were enjoyed by all."

Submitted by John Ross