* Gisele and Gina earned two Rally-O Advanced legs.
* Dayna and her two dogs, Gio and Romeo, were entered in all three Advanced Rally-O trials. In trial 1, Gio and Romeo tied for High in Class with scores of 97/100. In trial 2, Gio and Romeo tied for High in Class again, with scores of 98/100. In both trials, Gio was just seconds faster than Romeo so took the ribbons. Trial 3 saw each dog with another qualifying leg, scores of 94/100 and 92/100, both earning their Rally-O Advanced titles.
* Liz added two Rally-O Novice legs to each of her dogs, Lily and Zephyr. Lily took 3rd in class with a score of 89/100 and 2nd in class with a score of 98/100. Zephyr took 2nd in class with a 92/100 and 3rd in class with a score of 96/100.
* Jill and Tetley completed their Rally-O Excellent title with scores of 97/100, 96/100, and 95/100. This showing allowed them to finish their Rally-O Novice, Advanced, and Excellent titles with no non-qualifying runs!
* Jill also reports that Tetley has been named the #3 English Cocker Spaniel in CKC obedience for 2008!
* Jeannette competed in Rally-O with three of her dogs. Piper completed his Rally-O Novice title with a High in Class and earned one leg towards his Rally-O Advanced. Bailey earned two legs towards her Rally-O Advanced title. And Spice earned the second leg of her Advanced title with a High in Class.
* Jan made quite the impression in the conformation ring! Her boy, Auldstane Cunobelin ('Torc'), took WD in the Saluki Specialty. Her bitch, Auldstane Cygfa, took WB and BW. And Auldstane Breaca, co-owned by Jan, won the 12-18 month Sweepstakes. In the HCKOC shows, Torc went WD and BW under Robert Whitney and WD under Elaine Whitney. Cygfa went BOS and BW under Elaine Whitney and WB and BOS under Gerry Taylor. Iroki Auldstane Alleluja ('Gabriel') took BW under Gerry Taylor to finish his Championship!
* Shandra and her young male Siberian Husky took Group 4th, taking breed over specials. With more success on Saturday, they rounded off the weekend with 8 points!
Congratulations to all our club members for representing us so well! And thank you to everyone that helped our show run smoothly!