Welcome to Hub City Kennel and Obedience Club

Welcome to Hub City Kennel and Obedience Club

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Viggo (Am. G.Ch. Counterpoint Painted by Bohem) is having a stellar show career! Viggo was the top winning male whippet in the US in 2010, and went BOS at the 2010 American National Whippet Specialty Show. His most recent accomplishment (pictured above) is taking Group 1st at the Rio Hondo show in California in May, 2011. Viggo was bred by HCKOC members Lynn and John Ross and Trudy Taphorn. Owned by Scott Mazer and Bo Bengston.

Jill, (MBIS, MBNSS, BRS, MBPIS Counterpoint Genuine Risk) was conceived during the Kentucky Derby, and named after a Kentucky Derby winner. It has proven to be prophetic, as she was #17 All-Breeds in Conformation in 2008, and is currently #1 Whippet in 2009. As of June 2009, she has had 11 Best In Shows, 2 National Best In Shows, 1 Regional Best in Show, and numerous other wins. We are very proud of breeding her. She was bred by John and Lynn Ross, and is owned by Trudy Taphorn.