Fun times were had by all, furry and otherwise.
Good food, great friends and ... Scottish Country Dancing?

Standing: Jill (with Emmy and Tetley, English Cocker Spaniels), Dayna (with Romeo and Gio, Shetland Sheepdogs), Claire (with Petey, Havanese), Jeannette (with Piper, Cairn Terrier), Jae (with Rascal, Cairn Terrier), Karen (with Ceilidh, Cairn Terrier), Verna (with Julie, German Pinscher)
Sitting: Gisele (with Gina and Katie, Miniature Poodles), Julie (with Zorro, Belgian Shepherd), Jan (with Torc and Cygfa, Salukis), Robbie (with Zara, Saluki), Elaine (with Harley, German Shepherd Dog), Judith (with Ace, Lacey, and Painter, Shetland Sheepdogs), Dante (with Elmo, Norrbottenspets)