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- Lily, the Cairn Terrier, and Liz earned their first two legs of their CKC Rally Advanced title. Friday's trial saw Lily earn High in Class with a perfect 100/100 score!
- Zephyr, the Cairn Terrier, and Liz earned their first two legs of their CKC Rally Advanced title with lovely scores in the 90's.
- On Saturday, Jan and her Saluki boy, Torc, took Best of Breed!
- Gina, the Miniature Poodle, and Gisele earned one qualifying leg in CKC Rally-O Excellent.
- Katie, the Miniature Poodle, and Gisele earned two qualifying legs in CKC Rally-O Advanced.
- Gina and Katie, with their handler Gisele, also competed in Brace Obedience and qualified with a score of 94/200!
- Petey, the Havanese, and Claire finished off their Open Obedience title with scores of 190/200 and 189/200 with High in Class!
- Petey and Claire also made their debut in the CKC Rally-O ring, earning their first two legs of their Rally Novice title with scores of 99/100 and 96/100.
Elaine and Harley earned two Rally-O Advanced-Excellent doubles towards their RAE title.